I put below the schedule for the following weeks. There is a lot that happens including two breaks and it's easy to forget things along the way, so pay attention to the timeline:
March 6 (today): first session with the model and introduction to the second project.
Announcement made: prepare for in-progress critique next class:
Each student is required to present a sketch and a 1-2 minute presentation, following these instructions:
1. Present the main idea/subject matter: two (or more) elements that you associate with the body and that you want to explore in this project. Use texts as a reference. For example, for Haraway: human-animal or human-machine fusion.
2. Present your view of the relationship between those elements: in your mind, is there a tension between them, harmony, clash, conflict? do they complete each other?
3. What is your own attitude/feelings/ towards each of these elements and how do you propose to apply this attitude on the image you present as a sketch, using painting techniques? for example: composition, use of color, realism, abstraction, scale, etc. This last section is the focus on the in-progress critique and the discussion will be used to get help/feedback from the class on this matter.
After this short presentation class will respond with suggestions and questions. The goal is that every student will leave with one suggestion and one question from class, and contribute at least once to the discussion.
following weeks timeline:
March 13: Second session with the model. In-progress critique. Introduction of written assignment.
March 20: No class. work on written assignment. Essay due in this blog 2 days before next class, on March 25, 5pm. Prepare for discussion: respond to one of the posts.
March 27: Third session with the model. Discussion on written assignment.
April 3: No class. Prepare for home project and for your presentation in critique for next class.
April 10: Last session with the model. Second project due and class critique. Introducing third project.
Heads up - April 17: work for students show due
Good week!
Thanks for the schedule! Are we going to receive any more information about the student painting show due April 17, or is that something we chose and can work on starting now?
ReplyDeleteYou are welcome:) yes you will receive more information regarding hanging options. As for choosing which painting goes to the show, we will decide closer to show time. We will choose one painting from work you did that is related to this class. If you have an idea and you want to work on a separate painting for the show, you are welcome but you don't have to.